Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wallyworld Versus Blunty3000

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-08 08:17:58
User: wallyworld
:::: Favorites

The Kangaroo Frog goes up against the Mouth from the South

cloudLeonhart23 ::: Favorites
(pukes)that was terrible!
07-05-14 16:32:54
violettfem ::: Favorites
Don't get me started w/ those 2 douchebags. Please Malkie, I think I'm gonna be sick.....
07-05-13 04:11:27
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Oh but violettfem - he's a star now didn't you know? He's on The Fizz with that other dick Mr Safety. And fucking Boheme.
07-05-13 01:23:36
violettfem ::: Favorites
That is exactly how I a m feeling about him lately and I used to be a fan.
07-05-12 21:57:00
wallyworld ::: Favorites
Thanks mate...knew you'd like it.
07-05-10 13:24:13
Blunty3000 ::: Favorites
It's adorable when people get so bent out of shape that I don't share their opinion on a certain subject, and "dare" to disagree with them, in public no less, that they feel the only way to scrape back some pride is to resort to childish games. I've got a great sense of humor when it comes to being self deprecating, but this is just obtuse and boring, no creativity at all *yawn*
07-05-10 11:02:01
wallyworld ::: Favorites
You can say that in about 5 months. The Missus is "enceinte".
07-05-09 07:07:10
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
07-05-09 06:59:20
wallyworld ::: Favorites
It's a "her".
07-05-09 06:35:00
marquisdejolie ::: Favorites
Somewhere it's written that arguing with a fool is a fool's pursuit or something like that.
07-05-09 06:17:18

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