Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pro Tour-San Diego Semifinals

Duration: 09:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-05 18:53:26
User: wizardsmtg
:::: Favorites

Chris Lachmann and Jacob Van Lunen square off against Masami Kaneko and Genki Taru on one side of the bracket, while Kentaro Yamamoto and Yuuta Takahashi battle Eugene Harvey and John Fiorillo.

Madgibby ::: Favorites
yay first post
07-07-05 20:13:04
cheersonger ::: Favorites
yay 2nd post
07-07-05 20:45:02
FTKFTK ::: Favorites
yay 3rd post
07-07-05 21:02:25
mestiarcanus ::: Favorites
Yay first intelligent post! Personally, I think they should have just left the Sliver match alone, and not editted it (except adding the poison count which was sorely lacking during the coverage, not that we had to track it for long). The match was fast, interesting, and exciting enough as is. This was definitely better than Helix off the top.
07-07-05 23:04:13
boss1001 ::: Favorites
Why'd they skip ahead all the time? Anyway, that was a sweet win on turn 4! Wow! O.o
07-07-06 01:04:36
cmbmaster ::: Favorites
amazing. the only 3 virulent slivers in the deck and they all hit the field. I'm pretty sure that last one was probably a topdeck. too bad they picked the spellshaper over the 4th one though.
07-07-06 01:52:26
Darklurkr ::: Favorites
No believe me this is a great switch to editing on Youtube at least. only hardcore players want to watch guys flippin' cards for 5 minutes and this was done perfectly. It shows most of the match w/ highlights and I saw who won, what happened, etc. If u want to see the WHOLE thing, download them from the site.
07-07-06 11:10:34
mestiarcanus ::: Favorites
I do agree that in general, the editting is a good thing. But in that match in particular, it loses alot of the buildup (especially towards the Ovinize/Blink play) that was there watching the match live. Think of how less exciting the Helix play would have been had the first time you'd seen it, they skipped much of the previous turn and just showed the draw.
07-07-06 16:23:12
cuturself20 ::: Favorites
i guess i'm pretty hardcore then :P
07-07-12 18:26:12
virginarosch6126 ::: Favorites
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07-08-30 01:15:12

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