Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bear Grylls Eats A Live Snake

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-02 13:58:21
User: cuarecrap
:::: Favorites

hungry Bear Grylls eats a snake

Sailorcutie13 ::: Favorites
My friend died last year from chain letters repost this or she will come and kill you every thime u here a ring in your ear she will make your life shorter and shorter repost this to 10 other videos
07-08-29 23:57:25
proNoobist ::: Favorites
ur retarded lol
07-08-29 21:57:10
DCScurrie ::: Favorites
he is trying to show people what to do if they were dropped in the wild and COULDN'T get camping supplys and such. if he could, in an emergency, he would get camping stuff but this is a demonstration. he doesnt set out thinking "lets go kill all the animals" and you know it you retarded fuck, besides if you were in the wild im sure you would rather eat a snake rather than starve.
07-08-28 12:46:27
lostcyco ::: Favorites
OMG wat the hell is he doing that friggan retard why he eat that poor defenceless animal thats so sad and he eats it alive wat retard!!!!!! omg why hree do that i mean if he wants to survive in the wld why not just buy csamping supplies and food if he can afford to buy camera men and crap he can defently afford matierials and food that retard leave animals aloe omg i hat ethat dude make me mad if steve irwin saew this i bet he would of gottwen mad and sad~! freak that man
07-08-27 13:51:58
mrbr1ghtside ::: Favorites
WTF!!?!? does anyone else not see how wrong on so many levels that is?!
07-08-25 23:20:36
tntdns ::: Favorites
See a real snake man Cobra In Dining Room
07-08-25 20:08:24
Sciven ::: Favorites
the vedio lets me quiver with fear!1
07-08-24 23:50:13
anosil ::: Favorites
i love these people.........hes a fraud! hes a fraud! the show never claimed he was to spend EVERY night in the wilderness. its entertainment......thats it. i hope nobody out there would think of themselves as survival experts after watching man v wild. you'll never be found if you do
07-08-23 23:33:47
Agentcapture ::: Favorites
OH stfu!
07-08-23 10:24:17
youngathiest ::: Favorites
sick fuck. the poor animal. he is a fraud and so killing these poor animals has nothing to do with survival.
07-08-22 23:48:13

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